Posts Tagged 'Murray’s Cheese'

Field Trip Friday: Murray’s Cheese

Murray’s Cheese, in Greenwich Village, has participated in OHNY Weekend since 2006 and after the popularity of its OHNY tours, Murray’s Cheese began offering 90 minute private tours of its storage caves and facility. Rob Kaufelt purchased the cheese shop over 30 years ago and established longstanding relationships with specialty cheesemakers here and overseas, widening the selection.

Murray’s Cheese was also one of the sites featured on the cover of the 2008 OHNY Weekend event guide, illustrated by Maira Kalman. OHNY staff joined Maira for a special tour of the cheese caves, for cover art inspiration. Everyone was outfitted with hairnets and booties and led through various cheese caves, set at different temperatures for different cheeses. We learned about cheeses from all over the world and how they ripen or age and got to ask lots of questions!

Murray’s Cheese has been a generous supporter of OHNY, donating cheese for many of our events. Visit their website to learn more and to order from their selection of cheeses.

Walls of one of the cheese caves

Inside one of the cheese caves


Cheese shelves

Cheese shelves

Cheese aging

Cheese aging

Wearing a hair net in the cheese caves

Wearing a hair net in the cheese caves

Murray’s Cheese
254 Bleecker Street, New York, NY
